

One of the most common questions we get from clients is, “how quickly will I start seeing results?” Provided you are putting in the work and sticking to a personalized workout and nutrition program, here’s what results you can expect to see at each stage of your program.

Initial Changes (Weeks 1-4)

In the early stages of your fitness journey, typically within the first four weeks, you’ll experience several physical and psychological changes.

  • Physical Changes: If your goal is weight loss the scale will start to move and you should be losing and average of 1 lbs per week. However, it’s crucial to understand that this initial weight loss is often due to water weight rather than fat loss. For example, Sarah, a 30-year-old woman who’s goal is to lose 20 lbs, might see a 3-5-pound decrease on the scale, but she knows this isn’t permanent.
  • Mental Changes: Emotionally, you’ll start to notice improved motivation and enthusiasm. This is the period when you’re excited about your new journey and the possibilities it holds. For Sarah, this newfound motivation encourages her to stick to her workouts and start forming healthy habits like meal planning and prepping.

It’s important to note that larger people and those that have been less active before starting a program will see the most dramatic change in their bodyweight at the start.

Short-Term Progress (Months 1-3)

As you continue to commit to your program, you’ll start noticing more substantial changes. These occur within the first three months.

  • Physical Changes: Your body composition will begin to shift. While weight loss remains a focus, you’ll also observe improvements in muscle tone and strength. Sarah’s weight loss journey might continue with a steady 1-2 pounds per week, bringing her closer to her goals. Her workouts lead to enhanced endurance and strength and she will start to notice a change in her appearance.
  • Mental Changes: The confidence boost that comes with these early victories can significantly impact your mindset. Sarah feels proud of her progress, which fuels her discipline. She now sees her fitness routine as a part of her life, not just a temporary fix.

Motivation is still high during this phase and new behaviors are starting to become habits.

Section 3: Long-Term Transformation (Months 3-6 and Beyond)

The long-term transformation phase, occurring around three to six months into your fitness journey, is where the real magic happens.

  • Physical Changes: Sustainable weight loss becomes evident during this period. Steady progress might lead Sarah to a 20-pound total weight loss over six months. She’s not only losing weight but also building noticeable muscle definition, especially in her arms and legs. People in her life are starting to make positive comments about her transformation
  • Mental Changes: Patience and perseverance are crucial at this stage. Sarah continues to stay committed even when results seem to slow down. She’s also cultivating a positive body image, appreciating her progress, and accepting herself as she is.

This is the point where many people begin to fall off so it is especially important to stay vigilant and check in with your coach to stay accountable.

Staying on Track and Avoiding Plateaus

A plateau in a fitness journey occurs when progress stalls and many people give up on themselves. That’s why it’s so important to employ the following strategies to stay on track.

  • Adjusting Workout Intensity and Variety: Sarah introduced more challenging exercises to keep her body guessing. She and her coach work to design a more advanced workout plan, emphasizing progressive overload.
  • Evaluating and Fine-Tuning Their Diet: Sarah pays close attention to their nutritional intake.She starts to focus on portion control and nutrient timing.
  • Seeking Support: Sarah leans on her coach for support and accountability especially on the days she feels like skipping the gym.

Celebrating Achievements and Setting New Goals

We have a saying at Virtuo that you always need a mountain to climb which means that you always need a new goal to motivate you to stay on track. That’s why it’s so important to set new goals each 3-6 months. When you don’t have something to work for you simply won’t do they work and will start to lose process.

If you need help getting started with your fitness transformation, make sure to click the button below to book your no sweat intro!

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